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Anti-Cellulite/Slimming Photon Multipolar RF + Vacuum

Multipolar RF (radio frequency) with Red Photon Therapy is an energy that causes heating by using radio waves. It is the heating that causes both the fat cells to disrupt and skin to tighten.

By heating the skin to a certain temperature, body will improve collagen formation, increase the blood flow and circulation that will strengthen the tissue and improve the texture. This will address skin laxity and the firmness of the skin which triggering three specific reactions:

  1. Existing collagen tissues shrink, providing an immediate tightening and plumping effect.
  2. Old, fibrous collagen is denatured and broken down by the body.
  3. Fibroblasts (the cells that create new collagen) are stimulated to create new collagen.

Vacuum-assisted photon multipolar radio frequency (RF) technology conform the skin to allow radio frequency energy to pass through the epidermis and gently heat the deeper dermal tissue. The vacuum suction increases the diffusion of oxygen between cells and a cavitation effect is formed, resulting in a very powerful and effective treatment.